A dialogue about Enlightenment
An imagined student (S): I’m seeing oneness, I’m sensing That. But I don’t know how to fill that space of what I am?
A non-teacher (T): You can’t utilize that vastness without a sense of self. But as long as you’re thinking you can do this, as long as you’re pretending to be in need of some sort of sense of self, there’ll be suffering and the idea of a lack of not fully realizing your true nature.
S: Is it to be experienced at all?
T: Enlightenment is not an experience. It’s a shift in consciousness. You literally fall into that vast freedom. In it there’ll be countless experiences but they won’t be happening to someone. There will be no seeker, and in retrospect, all the seeking for one’s own freedom will be immediately seen as a shortcoming. Because what is awake in you is awakening to the whole and for the benefit of all beings, but free from any concept whatsoever.
S: The source will shine through my self-image?
T: The source will burn your self-image down to ashes. The only movement will be your allowance to let it burn by all means.
S: Is enlightenment permanent?
T: Yes. It’s not a one time event. It’s a non-experience of moment-to-moment-happenings; with different levels of depth, and an ever-unfolding mystery into the nature of reality. And it is happening right now. Plus, you are That!
S: Many teachings teach it to be the last step on the seeker’s spiritual path.
T: When all the seeking burned down you will have seen that the ultimate teaching is that there’s never been a teaching at all. The entire story of the seeker on a spiritual path produced the necessity of finding the right teaching. But in reality, you as a seeker has never started to make your first move. Once you’re allowing yourself to stop pretending that there need be a path to enlightenment—when all the concepts are gone and the spiritual seeker is dead—only then will you be able to embrace your true nature. And then your light will be shining, and you won’t be looking at oneness but instead will be knowing yourself as The One and all the various expressions of it.